Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dom Dinis´wife Dona Isabel fell in love with Obidos when she visited in 1222, so her husband gave the village to her as a wedding gift. The town has lost none of its charm. The rooms in our hotel are named after queens of previous generations.
There is a parapet on the city wall around which you can walk (carefully, because there is no handrail and a sheer drop on one side), giving great views of the surrounding countryside.
Both Spain and Portugal have many old castles converted to hotels, and run by the Government. They are called "pousadas" in Portugal and "Paradors" in Spain, and are quite expensive. We have not booked any for accommodation.
We have seen many donkeys on the farms and around the countryside, as well as in the villages.
Today is our last day in Obidos, which we decided to enjoy in the tranquility of the town. Drinking excellent coffee in a courtyard near the ancient church, and stooging around the little shops after lunch, was a great way to spend the day rather than rushing into Lisbon as we had originally planned. In any case, rain still seemed imminent.
Sadly we say adios to Obidos tomorrow, to drive to Coimbra (pronounced Queembra) through villages and towns and "red" roads ie not on the autobahn. The day will include a stop at Batalha where we hope to see Battle Abbey (where the guards are changed on the hour) and the tomb of the unknown soldier.

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