Sunday, October 14, 2007

San Sebastian
Just after we posted the last entry, there was a flurry with much shouting in the street and the internet staff hastily closed and locked the door. When we were able to get out, there were riot police with shields and batons and paddy waggons everywhere (earlier in the day we had seen the police helicopter hovering overhead near the main square for several hours). The streets were full of broken bottles, smashed shop windows, and the very large recycle bins (about 6 times the size of our blue bins) overturned and set alight in the middle of the roads. There was smoke everywhere, and people running to avoid capture. We did not see any arrests, since the demonstrators were masked and able to escape by running through the narrow laneways in the old quarter. Apparently Friday was a significant day in the Spain calendar, and as far as we could gather the demonstration was political with the left v the right rallying in protest (probably students or at least young people)
We have walked this city from end to end, covering many km. Today is very busy because it is a long weekend, and the promenade, beaches, and streets are crowded with holidaymakers and locals. It is a beautiful day, clear blue sky, 26 degrees, and the beach alive with ball games, sunbakers, dogs playing, prams with babies, joggers, and walkers. There was a competition run along the promenade this morning, with many hundreds of competitors. The promenade stretches for about 6 km around all three beaches, and it seemed that the run was from end to end. We have walked this distance twice and it is still an enthralling experience.
Tomorrow morning we sadly drive to Bilbao for the long trek home (total time at least 38 hours from door to door). Whilst we are sad to be heading home, it will be good to see everyone again, sleep in our own bed, and eat our own food with lots of vegetables and fruit. The washing machine will be a very welcome piece of equipment!
This is likely to be our last entry, although we may be able to post something in either London or Singapore when we are in transit.

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