Monday, October 8, 2007

This is a small village (population 4,730) on the NW tip of Spain, which we reached today after departing Porto and sadly saying goodbye to Portugal. Took the autobahns all the way back into Spain which were fantastic - Australia could learn much from the design and maintenance of the roadways. Seemed like every few km we needed to pay a toll, but they are not particularly expensive. There was very little traffic on the road, and the scenery all the way was of rolling green hills with many eucalyptus plantations. Also have seen many wind generators throughout Portugal and parts of Spain.
We had no booking here, so went to a hotel and found that there were plenty of rooms. An interesting event then occurred. We have room number 209 with a great view over the river mouth, and had only just entered when a man let himself into our room with a key and rushed into our bathroom toilet! It turned out that he was in room 309 (immediately above) but had entered the wrong floor from the lift. His key fitted our door. After some sign language with the receptionist and checking the key to 309, it was established that the 309 key was actually a master key which fits every door in the hotel! We will be using the latch lock overnight.
Took a long walk along the promenade watching the fishermen mending their nets and the small boats bobbing in the harbour. Fog is rolling in from the nearby hills and the late afternoon sunlight is golden, so it is a very pretty little town indeed.

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