Friday, September 21, 2007

Thanks so much for the comments - it is great to have some feedback from friends and family.
The train trip from Barcelona to Alicante was very efficient and fast. A five hour journey through countryside and along the shoreline of the Mediterranean, electric train, morning tea and lunch included, with comfortable airline-type seats. Passed through Valencia, which of course was surrounded for many km with orange orchards as well as olive groves and market gardens. Much of the journey gave views of a surprisingly rocky white limestone terrain.
Alicante is a much quieter place than Barcelona, population about 280,000. Far less tourists, predominantly local people and easier to understand the life of the people in a smaller city. Right on the beach, so the seafood is excellent and the promenade along by the water very appealing.
Meals in Spain are an interesting exercise. Breakfast - easy. Lunch also easy if you are prepared to eat it between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm. Dinner is another story! If you are prepared to eat Tapas, this is available at any time, but for a proper meal you need to wait for the restaurants to open at either 8.00 pm or 8.30 pm (and for some places even 9.00 pm)
The hotel here is quite adequate and surprisingly cheap. In fact, everything is much cheaper here than in Barcelona - two cups of coffee today cost only $2.70.
Today we took a cab to the top of a very high hill to explore the Castle de Santa Barbara - the only other way was to walk through a tunnel and then take a lift through the bowels of the earth more than 1,000 ft up! This castle is built on a high rocky hill very close to the old city, and was extremely interesting with spectacular 360 degree views. We walked down from there to the water - a long way but at least it was downhill!
From there we explored the waterfront and cruised around the shops, relaxing and preparing to hit the road by car tomorrow. That will be very interesting! From tomorrow, we rely on our own driving and navigation skills (with the help of the GPS in English).
More soon.
p.s. Peter - Gaudi buildings were unique and an outstanding feature of Barcelona.
LK - the 50´s and 60´s kitchens were just as we said
Bob - keep your eye on those girls! And what about the footy scores?
3WG - great to know that all is well

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