Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Last day today. Spent the time ambling around the city, and in particular along narrow lanes leading off the main streets. Once away from La Rambla, there are interesting sights to see and far less tourists. Also down to the wharf and the World Trade Centre.
There are many more things for sale along La Rambla than we first thought. Live lizards, birds, tortoises, ferrets, dogs, cats, flowers and plants, etc. One large beautiful bird for sale (I think it was a Macaw) cost 2,800 Euro (about $A4,500) - we couldn´t help but wonder from where it had been smuggled!
We have tried to attach some photos to the entries, but without any luck. Don´t know why.
After packing and organising our ¨things¨, we catch a high-speed train in the morning for Alicante where we will stay for two nights before collecting the hire car and making our own way for the remainder of the time. Train journey is about 5 hours. Alicante appears to be a pretty city, located on the coast. Will post our impressions when we find another Internet cafe.
Last night we had our first taste of Lobster Paella for dinner, which was delicious.
There seem to be very few English-speaking tourists, except for the occasional Americans.


Peter P said...

your blog brings back many memories for us, esp. walking down Las Ramblas with the living statues etc and the Med at the end. How did you like Gaudia's(spelling) architectual works?

Anonymous said...

Glad to read you are both enjoying Spain, the country sounds very colourful. Everything here is reasonably quiet and running extremely smooth. Keep enjoying yourselves.
Lisa, Nina & Kerrie

Anonymous said...

Great to read your updates as always, keep them coming! Love Mel, Ryan, Charlotte and Veronique xxx :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your comment on the 1950's and 60's kitchens! Sounds like you are well on your way to another great holiday. Enjoy!! LK

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what the girls next door mean, BUT there is a lot of yelling and laughing coming from there. The painter is making a lot of noise also.
Other than that everything seems normal here. Cats are looking good but then they have'nt played yet!.