Sunday, September 23, 2007

We have seen quite a few beggars, mostly on the steps of churches and on the footpath, a few with double amputations.
Birds everywhere in the plazas, mostly pigeons but also doves and little hopping birds like sparrows.
Today we took a stroll through the tiny narrow streets, past small shops selling tourist items. Since we are staying in the ¨Jewish precinct¨, there is much of a Jewish nature for sale. Our room has dark green painted doors, all painted with decorative emblems and the Star of David.
Walked to the Cathedral, and inside to examine the decorations, altar, and stained glass. Accidentally we had entered whilst a Mass service was being conducted, so we did actually go to church today!
Locals sleep in very late on Saturdays and Sundays, and museums and other attractions are closed on Mondays. When planning how long to spend in a city, this needs to be taken into account.
Restaurant fare for tourists is not particularly nutritious, being high in carbohydrates and there is little in the way of vegetables or fruit. The only really healthy choice is to order a salad, and whilst heavy with lettuce there are also other salad vegetables included. The main meals on offer at the street restaurants (particularly at lunchtime) seem to be paella, pizza and Italian pastas, plus coffee.
Most of the tourists seem to be couples (not English speaking) - some young, but mostly either middle-aged or elderly. We have also seen a few groups of young female students.
We have been able to obtain tickets to a Flamenco dancing show this evening which should be good, and tomorrow morning we were lucky to be able to join a conducted tour of The Alhambra monument/castle (otherwise we would have needed to queue with 4,000 other people at 7.00 am in the hope of obtaining entry for the day).
There are very few people fluent in English, but we are managing with a combination of our English and my French words, sign language, and charades. Flapping one´s arms and making ¨chook¨noises whilst pointing to the menu is an easy way to order chicken!!

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