Sunday, September 30, 2007

Well done Charlotte - you are very clever to leave us a comment!!
Today was a lazy day of rest. It rained quite heavily here, and the news showed scenes of major flooding in Lisbon where we plan to be the day after tomorrow. Gave us a chance to write some postcards for the "oldies" and spend a little time in the shop stalls and a restaurant for a long lunch. Finally found a good one, and the meal included BROCCOLI and ASPARAGUS!! First greens we have seen other than a few green peas somewhere after we requested vegetables.
The rain has certainly reduced the crowds in the lanes and alleyways here today - guess they have either moved on or stayed inside like we did.
Tomorrow we hit the road again with "Gladys" as our right hand navigator.
Great to learn that Geelong won the Grand Final - a great result. Thanks for the info Bob.
More soon.

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