Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thanks for the comments folks. And Bob, stop stirring!!
We can´t put any photos on today from this computer - no USB plug. Perhaps at the next stop.
Yesterday we travelled by car from Granada to Seville, with the intention of stopping on the way with a diversion to Ronda based on a recommendation from a good source at home. Ronda was supposed to reveal a steep cliff side with a town perched on top and lovely views. We found the town without difficulty, but no parking spots, no direction to the Tourist Information Centre, roadworks in the main street, and most streets with No Entry signs. No restaurant for lunch either - the three we tried where we could park temporarily were either closed or a bar only. Even the GPS was confused, so we eventually gave up and cannot tell you anything about Ronda.
Travelling through the countryside is easy - excellent roads and good signage. But leaving a city and arriving at a city are very nerve-racking and fraught with danger! Motorists are on the whole patient, and while the traffic is thick the vehicles of all types tend to travel quite slowly. Finally arrived at our accommodation in Seville, after the GPS took us to a school with the same name as our area! A labourer helped us in broken English and Spanish to re-program the GPS to the correct address and now we are here! It is a lovely place with large suites, but a long way from anywhere including restaurants and bus stops. A small Mini-mart next door sells bread rolls and water for emergencies.
Last night we drove to a restaurant area, but had to resort to a Chinese meal because all the others did not open until 8.30 for dinner. At least we had some quality vegetables! (note, Anne)
Today we caught a cab to the main part of the city for tourist activities. Went first to the Plaza de Toros and the Bullfight Museum, where we had a short conducted tour of the oldest bullring in Spain. This was the first ring to have bullfights on foot instead of on horseback. It is the only oval ¨ring¨in Spain, and holds 14,000 patrons. Most seats are purchased for the season, and if you wish to buy a one-off (assuming that one is available) you may only obtain a seat in the hot sun. The bulls did not always lose, and the heads of some of the best and bravest bulls are stuffed and hang on the wall of the museum. The most famous bull fighter fought for only 14 years - from age 9 until age 23 when he lost his life to a bull.
Took the city tour bus with commentary on headphones - always a great way to obtain an overview of a new city. Then on foot visited the Santa Cruz Cathedral (where Christopher Columbus´tomb is located but he is not there! The tomb is now thought to be that of his son. Then the Plaza de Espana which is a very large square featuring tilework and ceramics in rather gaudy depictions of Spanish history around the perimeter. Large fountain in the centre. Very impressive.
We intend to lay back tonight and tomorrow to gather some energy - it is time for an RDO! There is a pool here, and the surrounding area looks like it might be conducive to a long and leasurely walk through upmarket suburbia.


Anonymous said...

As always a interesting read! Love the info you provide, very detailed.
Sounds like you are having a great time, wish we were there!

xxoo Reagan and Sandra

Anonymous said...

Great read as always guys. Thinking of you, love the Smiths xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy & Brian
Good to hear that you are having a lovely time-the weather also looks warm and inviting. At this moment in heathmont it is pissing down cats and dogs and very very cold, which makes me wish I was there with you guys. Our new neighbours in No 3 moved in last w/end - no idea who they are as there has been no activity or sightings since!!! Keep on enjoying life in Spain/Portugal, and keep sending the photos which we really enjoy. love from Bob & Daria